Tuesday, May 7, 2013

She passed the test

In the list of events not likely to EVER happen including the successful reception of a McDonald's veggie burger, the introduction of a tasty zero-calorie alcoholic beverage, the scientific discovery of an instantaneous fat-busting pill not accompanied by disgusting side-effects or Sydney Mosiman passing her driver's test on the first, second, third, fourth try...well, let's just say I thought I'd be choking down a broccoli burger before I'd be sending Syd solo onto the streets of Wyoming County.

It's been a long terrifying journey of near-death experiences as we've jerked, stalled, careened and bumped our way through parking lots..."Syd! You came within, like, four centimeters from clipping that car!"
"What car?"...intersections...(in a calm, comforting tone) "Syd, we can't stay here, honey...a car could come around this blind curve any second...start the truck, honey...that's ok, try again..."(tone shifting slightly in tempo)"...take a breath, you can do it...ok, first gear...uhmmm...try again..."(insert hysterical tone here)"...GET OUT!  MOVE! MOVE!  I'M DRIVING!!!"...and 3-point turns..."Syd...be mindful of the...ditch."

Through it all, Sydney has been resiliently positive and unrealistically confident in her driving abilities.  "Am I on the wrong side of the road," she famously inquired while her passengers screamed, "Yes!!!!"  As we approached a school bus ahead of us, I warned her to keep a healthy distance so the driver wouldn't mis-interpret my daughter's desire to pass.  A healthy distance, according to Syd, is drafting two feet from the bus bumper.  Surprisingly, the bus moved over.  "What do I do," asked my daughter.  "Pass the bus," I moaned.  Syd happily downshifted (a newly acquired skill) and we rocketed past at an excruciating twenty-five miles per hour while I systematically waved to every child on the bus and motioned a heartfelt apology to the impatient driver.

She begged us to sign her up for her driver's test.  There is no way that they'll pass her, we thought. Why not?  This will show her that she needs to practice more.  We tried to prepare her emotionally for the inevitable outcome. Undaunted, Syd excitedly counted down the days and we ended up learning not to count Syd out because, she passed...on the first try.  As we are not as confident as New York State in Syd's licensed skills, she is currently under a strict Mosiman-probationary period that may extend well into her mid-twenties.  She must text prior to every departure and arrival.  Our first text conversation:

Syd:  Leaving

Mom:  Praying

a short while later...

Syd:  Here

Mom:  Miracle


  1. I am sure you and Brad will be finding many gray hairs every time you look in the mirror from now on. I know a good brand of hair color. Just ask me!!!

  2. Practically every Perry resident had to participate in ground-guiding Syd's parking process at Birmingham Books today...this is terrifying.
