2. To celebrate the end of "Testing Week," we held a Hot Dog Soup & Pepsi party. The planning of this complicated event overshadowed everything else (except for test review, of course...wink, wink).
3. I'm protesting greens until they figure out a way to include a Snickers bar as a salad garnish.
4. Did I mention the word "salad?"
So there it was..."Salad Day." Teachers were positively spinning with excitement. Saddened, I hastened to the middle school to eat lunch with colleagues who wouldn't be able to fathom the green goodness that was my world this week. But later in the day, during my planning time, I passed through the elementary faculty room to glimpse good food still adorning the tables. "No," I said stoic-ly, "I didn't contribute." But the lure was just too great and I scooped up a bowl of fruit salad smothered in Cool-Whip (not generic!) and slunk from the room. Friend and salad-eater, Deb May caught me red-handed...oops, make that "green-handed." She responded to my profusive apology by chasing me down the hallway with her container of Waldorf-style Salad, insisting I try it. "No, I couldn't," I cried, as she spooned the concoction into my bowl. I took a bite and sighed. Heaven. Suddenly, I began sifting through Deb's salad. "Wait...are there pieces of Snicker bars in here?" I love "Salad Day."
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