Sunday, May 24, 2015

I think therefore I am...a bunny?

 To address the question, "But what does one actually SEE at the White House," the answer would be..."Morgan!"

After our visit to the White House, our little band of adventurers split up to conquer the Smithsonians. Morgan, Brianna and I headed over to the the National Museum of Art and tried to act really nonchalant about all the naked sculptures. We meandered down the plant-lined path of the butterfly garden and I didn't have the heart to squish Brianna's excitement as she pointed happily at a moth. I was mostly confused in the outdoor sculpture plaza but the girls got me a Pepsi and a Snickers bar before planting me in the shade so it didn't matter. I was initially thrilled by a bunny-themed parody of Rodin's "The Thinker,"  but unfortunately, became completely obsessed with finding the meaning of it for the rest of the day. I am somewhat satisfied with the idea of "splitting hares" but if you can come up with a better one, please enlighten me.

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