Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Connecting the DOTs to Connecticut: My lame way of incorporating the Department of Transportation into this blog post

Armed with pertinent knowledge, I peppered Savannah with fun facts about her new state as we made the seven hour journey to Connecticut. "Well, they weren't very imaginative about their state bird," I observed, noting that a Connecticut robin didn't look all that different from a New York robin. I later realized that my vote would have been for the Connecticut seagull that is similar in size and temperament to a velociraptor. Savannah's seagull-zilla has taken up permanent residence in the nearby dumpster. Apartment occupants must pay homage and provide daily sacrifices to the dumpster god to avoid a cataclysmic avalanche that would rain down upon their heads and cars.

In between fun facts, I stared out the car window and reflectively thought about the long journey that led to this long journey. Strawberry picking, blueberry picking, garlic picking, fish factory in Alaska, set-net crew in the Pacific, pumping gas...then beginning work in her "field" (that did NOT include strawberries, blueberries or garlic). She's always worked. And she's always worked hard. I sat through a conversation recently where a friend commented on how she enjoyed spending time with her (almost) adult child and I was surprised as all the air was immediately sucked from my chest as I glanced at Savannah who, for the last month, has had one of those bomb-detonator clock clouds following her around. And all I could hear on that darn seven hour car ride was ticking...ticking...ticking. All Savannah could hear were fun facts about Connecticut:

  •  "Ooooo...the state animal is the sperm whale!"
  •  "Connecticut is also known as the Nutmeg State!"
  •  "Pez Candy is manufactured in Connecticut." 
  • "Lollipops were first made in this state." 
She finally snapped. "Mom! Why are you looking all this stuff up?" I explained, "I don't want you to look like an ignorant doofus...you should know about the state you're living in. Like, for instance, that to be considered a true pickle in Connecticut, it must be able to bounce. This is important stuff. How else will you know that the purchase of Silly String is illegal here? I want you to look intelligent at parties AND to stay out of jail." She nodded and then turned up the radio while I shouted, "Your state's name is derived from the Native people's word, Quinnehtukqut, meaning beside the long tidal river."

We finally arrived and Savannah escaped the confines of her car to walk over to Brad, who had been manning the rental truck. "What are you humming," Savannah asked her father. "It's Yankee Doodle. That's the state song of Connecticut."

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