Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Why Brad wants brake fluid for Christmas
I tend to view warning lights as helpful suggestions. The Mosimans have never owned a vehicle that didn't come with a standard "Check engine light" permanently displayed on the dashboard. A betting pool was immediately established the minute Savannah drove her new car off the dealership a few months ago but it looks as though the curse of the warning lights is partial only to Mosimans residing in New York State.

Brad recently jumped into our Titan and noted with some surprise, not one...but two warning lights illuminated. "When were you planning to mention this," he asked, immediately digging into the owner's manual. I reacted to his surprise with surprise. "Honey," I said soothingly, "no worries. I did a diagnostic check and we're fine." "What did you do," he inquired suspiciously. "Well...when the brake light came on, I pressed down on the brake pedal. The truck stopped. Good to go. I even repeated this procedure going down a hill to be safe," I said reassuringly. He looked doubtful. "What about the other light?" I admit I blushed a little. "I think it's appalling that they even have a light for that," I whispered. Confused, Brad re-checked the manual. "You mean a light for the slip differential?" "No," I said softly, glancing around to make sure no one could hear us. "The bdsm light." Brad sighed, "It's blsd." "Oh," I said, "what's that?" "Limited slip differential," Brad explained, reading from the manual, "is an arrangement that allows for some difference in angular velocity of the output shafts." I nodded wisely..."See? Same thing!"

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