I couldn't WAIT to cuddle my friend, Sarah's, new baby girl, Nora! As I am the worst gift-giver on the planet and lack any discernible talent whatsoever, it can sometimes be a challenge to demonstrate my profound feelings for others with meaningful tokens of my affection. I don't sew, knit or crochet. Wood-working is out. Automobile mechanics is off the table. Cooking....? Sigh. Especially given Sarah's high expectations regarding dietary intake. So I did what any desperate person with no creative ability would do: I painted a onsie. Confident that this gesture would be appreciated, I was nonetheless thrilled to see precious Nora outfitted in her personalized garb during my visit.
UNTIL...I toured her closet. Apparently Sarah's house will soon be under-going extensive reconstruction as they are looking to expand and re-model a room better able to accommodate baby Nora's extensive wardrobe. Forget Blue Ivy. Forget North West. The hottest fashion trends are being sported by none other than Miss Nora. I glared at Sarah. The onsie was obviously a pity-put-on. I realized that, as soon as I left, that infant undergarment would be serving time as a dust-rag. If it could BE that lucky.

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