Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Brad, Virgil, & Jeff: Paving the way by laying the foundation and raising the roof

Weddings are a wonderful combination of tradition and personal flair. Timeless but fleeting...the architecture constantly evolving while the sturdy foundation remains resolutely the same. 

Sydney and Douglas put a lot of time into planning their wedding; carefully sifting through what was essential and what was just expected. Opinions were sought as our family, as obnoxious as we may appear, rarely offers suggestions unsolicited (We just ruthlessly criticize them later). Sydney honored me greatly by asking if I would accompany Brad and her down the aisle on her journey to her betrothed. What a privilege...to be included in those final steps where Syd was still just "ours." My narcissistic nature of course wanted to share that limelight but my oddly sentimental side immediately declined...wanting, so much, to watch my husband escort his little girl down the aisle. And, boy, that scene did not disappoint. Thirty-six years of marriage and I still see stars.

The Father/Daughter Dance was another matter.

Sydney Lynn circled the wagons and summoned the three men in her life that hailed her as a princess, held her feet to the fire, would have walked through hell for her, and would hire on as hit-men for her. 

The dance began, of course, with her father, her cornerstone...sappy, sweet, and sentimental before taking a crazy and comedic turn. With a wild whoop of recognition, Virgil caught his cue as effortlessly as any bridesmaid catching the bouquet. Naturally, his walk-on music would be Grateful Dead-themed and the dance floor and the crowd enthusiastically sang back-up as Virgil grabbed his girl for a spin. And then the beat dropped, and it was Jeff's turn to be recognized and honored for his valued place in the foundation of her formative years. We yowled like alley cats as he circled the floor..."She's a brick...how-se..."

It couldn't have been better. 

Pure, uninhibited joy.

Loud. Obnoxious. Loving.


These three men...brothers...architecturally different but foundationally...crafted from the same mason. The jokes and teasing are cut-throat. Geographically split but spiritually-centered. The polarized push and pull that defines the relationships of men...cast adrift for months...sometimes years...and then, suddenly, the homing signal inexplicably kicks in and the great continental trek begins...reuniting a fellowship forged in infancy, surviving the tumultuous teen years, and enduring well into adulthood. 

Such a blessing.

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have even one stable male role model in their lives.

In attendance at Syd's wedding, twirling her around the dance floor, my daughters have three.

1 comment:

  1. Right on point! I love this, Amy. Nobody else could have written this any better than you. The pictures are fantastic. It's wonderful to see 3 of my nephews with family and having a great time. They have grown into men to look up to. Sydney and Savannah could not have been more loved. Can't wait to see Savannah's wedding pictures, and Morgan's and Brianna's. Exciting life to be a Mosiman. Your comment about you and Brad brought tears to my eyes. In fact, tears were abundant all through your article. I'm so happy for Sydney and Douglas. God bless them.
