Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My apologies to Tuesdays: Changing the world one Pepsi vending machine at a time

Today was the ultimate exception to my established philosophy regarding Tuesdays. Going into it, I was aware that a great day stretched before me but my good fortune continued to escalate as my Tuesday progressed. As I awoke, I considered my day. First of all, I knew that, in my van, a Pepsi, purchased for me yesterday by Sydney, was chilling to perfection alongside a chocolate-covered coconut Mounds bar. As today was the first installment of the much-maligned NYS ELA test, I anticipated a state-sanctioned period of student-silence in my classroom from 8:30 to 10 am. I would pick up my Russell Stover chocolate marshmallow bunny from my friend, Amanda at lunchtime. AND...my end of school day was marked by double specials which meant I wouldn't have students for two back-to-back periods. Were my stars aligned or what?

But, believe it or not, it got even better! Prior to the beginning of test time this morning, my friend Amy White came gliding into the room bearing the homemade perogies and bread which would become my family's supper this evening. A mom and fellow educator brought in an encouraging test day treat for the teachers (as if 70 minutes of government-imposed silence wasn't enough!). The afternoon faculty meeting featured ice cream sundaes. Is this day for real, I thought, pinching myself. And then..a chance encounter caused.my already-brimming with happiness cup to overflow with gladness.

The vending machines in the elementary faculty room played a major role in my decision to move from 6th to 4th grade. Little did I know how heartbreakingly temperamental these machines were and how much they would cost me...financially AND emotionally. Lately, I'm been tormented by E6. That button has been holding my Snickers bars hostage for weeks. I've left plaintiff notes, more like essays, taped to the machine, detailing my suffering to no avail. On the other side of the room, the Pepsi machine stands, vacant and aloof, mocking me with its electronic "s o l d   o u t" banner each time I insert my coin offering and hopefully push the button. So today,walking past the propped-open door of the faculty room, I caught a rare sighting of the most-elusive of creatures: the Pepsi vending machine guy. "Were you able to fix E6," I asked hopefully. His affirmative answer elicited my involuntary shout of joy. His laughter encouraged me to press my luck. I ventured into the room to quietly inquire about the complexities of the Pepsi machine's soda-holding capacity. What I learned was shocking. My Pepsi machine holds twenty-six 20 ounce bottles of Pepsi but inexplicably carries double that amount of Mountain Dew and Diet Pepsi. I KNOW! I was shocked too. The Pepsi machine vending guy (Todd) was very receptive to my ideas. Before you knew it, I was wielding a knife and helping Todd pop out the top Mountain Dew button and replacing it with what the Lord obviously intended to be there, Pepsi. Before leaving to retrieve his inventory order, Todd rewarded my valuable vending machine insights with a free Pepsi. I KNOW!!! Tuesdays rock!

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