Monday, May 23, 2016

A Universal Experience: Part Four-Amy (Appendix C) The Last One (I swear)

I am not particularly fond of costumed characters. I am thrilled to spot them from afar but get rather flushed and fearful when approached. Which may make a visit to Universal Studios in Orlando seem like a bad choice for me. But for the most part...I was fine. I happily waved to Lucy Ricardo as she pedaled her way down Rodeo Drive. I exchanged pleasantries with Betty Boop when she ducked into Schwab's Pharmacy to enjoy the air conditioning with us for a moment. I performed an action pose with my favorite Transformer, Bumblebee. "Do you know any other Transformers," Savannah asked. "That's not the point," I snapped. The point was that Bumblebee gallantly resisted the urge to talk or touch me...unlike a certain little monkey who was all hands (or should I say...paws).

"Mom," Savannah said, poking me, "I think Curious George is trying to get your attention." "I know, Savannah," I muttered out of the corner of my mouth, looking everywhere EXCEPT at the me-sized monkey who was urgently waving me over. I sighed. I was being rude. Taking a deep breath, I cautiously approached Curious George who latched onto me like a spider monkey. "I'm a big fan of your books," I told him as he motioned a delighted Savannah to take pictures. Several times I tried to unsuccessfully remove my arm from his prehensile grip but apparently he was confusing my limbs for leaves. I was starting to get nervous. Would I be the first human in history to rip the face from a chimpanzee? "'s time for me to go now," I said awkwardly. George responded by graciously lifting my hand to his monkey lips for a primate pucker. Suddenly, his fingers began to massage my hand. Ew. Definitely time to go. I tried to pull my hand away but George held on like he was holding on to the string of his runaway bouquet of zoo balloons. Suddenly, I realized what was happening. This was more than monkey shenanigans. Curious George was a primate pick-pocket! "Curious George is trying to steal my wedding ring," I hollered as Savannah happily took more pictures (which would later become known as Exhibit A). I looked around for help but, for some reason, no one was taking me seriously. Though emotionally battered, I managed to escape with my ring intact. I know what you're thinking. You were raised, like me, brain-washed by the books. But I can tell you, with all certainty, that George is NOT a good little monkey!

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