But there's nothing like leaving the nest to encourage the expansion of one's culinary wings. And, as it turns out, our friend Amy had been busy squirreling away kitchenware for Miss Sydney in anticipation of this very moment.

brought to the house. "This is the weirdest iron that I have ever seen," Sydney declared. There was a brief moment of silence where Amy and my friend Joan judged my ability to mother my child before, in between raucous bursts of laughter, it was explained to my clueless daughter that what she was holding was a mixer. Realizing that I could be brought up on charges of educational neglect, Amy turned her attention to tutoring Sydney. "This coming from a woman whose award-winning chili included a super-secret ingredient of prunes," I argued, feeling betrayed. And a little ashamed (I didn't know it was a mixer either.).
Joan joined the ranks of the confused as we regarded a slender plastic tray that Sydney pulled from a box. "It's a colander," Amy squealed with delight. We just stared at it. It was a tray. But no. With a snap of Amy's wrists, a colander accordioned out of the middle. "It's great because it straddles the sink and is a snap to store," Amy announced. Joan and I were amazed as the colander disappeared like a rabbit in a hat. "I want one of those," Joan admitted.

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