Friday, January 24, 2020

Erin: All that she is (and more)

 Erin and I have, what some would call, a tumultuous relationship. An ever-evolving exchange of excitement and evasion. An up-and-down discourse...with Erin, of course, being the "up." But I am starting to come to terms with the role I have come to play in our little partnership. Sweet needs to be balanced with sour (or bitter, depending on my mood). I am the gray cloud to her perpetual sunshine...occasionally filtering her unrelenting rays so as not to permanently blind or burn those who can't deal with her level of positivity (I can't be the ONLY one...can I?).

I was recently DISGUSTED to learn that we share both a birth month and astrological sign. Ugh. I've spent WEEKS, discreetly...gently, explaining to Erin that she does not fill the necessary criteria to be a full-blown Aquarian. She is far too empathetic, caring, and happy to be a water sign. But in the spirit of being "birthday buddies," I got her a small token of my affection that poetically captures my true, under-lying feelings. Feelings that, up to now, I have kept buried down, deep inside. Thanks to my blossoming friendship with Erin, I am getting better about expressing myself. Thanks Erin!

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