Tuesday, April 5, 2022

A missed call

I had a moment yesterday. A Moment. An out-of-the-blue, sock-you-in-the-stomach moment.

For the past five years or so, I have explained to my in-coming 4th graders that Mrs. Mosiman's cell phone is always on because my Dad's health is a bit precarious and people cannot direct-dial the classroom. So...for five years or so...on the rare occasions that my cell rings, kids will race to it, see if it reads "G'ma & G'pa" and, if it doesn't, press ignore

Not once in five years has it EVER read "G'ma & G'pa."

Yesterday, my phone rang and every one of my 4th graders froze.

No one raced to the phone.

I took a shaky breath and one of my sweet honeys rose out of his seat to offer a hug, whispering, "You don't have to worry about him anymore."


This is tough.

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