Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Crowing about the Bills over a long-distance "caw"

 Savannah moved 40 miles away to a neighboring town.

I cried, saying, "Surely nothing could be worse than this."

Savannah moved to Connecticut, some six driving hours away.

I cried, saying, "Surely nothing could be worse than this."

Savannah moved to San Diego, 3,000 miles away...AND took her sister with her.

By this time, I had learned not to tempt fate and shut my mouth.

But I miss my girls. Every. Day. My heart aches being away from them.

They are sensitive to my ridiculousness and do everything possible (aside from just simply coming home) to make me feel better. We exchange calls, texts, pictures, or videos practically every day. Visits are scheduled often. Plans are always in the works. 

And then there are magical moments that just appear organically.

My son-in-law is a Miami Dolphins fan and we love him anyway. Those of us raised in Bills country know that being a Dolphins fan can be a deal-breaker when there's talk of a marital union but Douglas's heart-warming story of adopting his dad's team and attending games with his patriarch in childhood was enough to green light the nuptials.

Play-off positions were at stake and the Bills and Dolphins were facing off.

Let the games begin! 

I punted first. 

As you will soon see, I pretty well dominated the field but other players did manage to move the ball effectively as well.

As you can see, my son-in-law is gracious and has an admirable sense of self-restraint when it comes to responding to immature, inappropriate, abusive trash-talk. 

I have never enjoyed a sporty event so much. Did you see? We were ALL there! New York-San Diego-and Austin family was together and we were laughing and teasing and having fun. I felt so connected and so grateful. Thank you, Douglas, for being the catalyst of our coming together in the face of our terrible unsportsmanlike conduct.

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