Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rise and Shine?

Your first waking thought of the morning is a pretty good indicator of the general tone of the day.  Immediately moaning "oh-hh no-oo-oo..." is not a precursor for success.  Wondering if there is enough loose change in the truck to underwrite a vending machine Pepsi sets a pretty low bar expectations-wise.  Setting all your Thursday morning hopes on a new episode of "Grey's Anatomy" has resulted in devastating consequences.  But this morning, my first coherent though, after hitting "snooze" fifty times and kicking my human snooze button (aka an obnoxiously cheerful daughter, Savannah) in the stomach, was to yearn for tomorrow's lunch.  Huh?  Yeah...that's right.  The thought of tomorrow's lunch pushed me off my pillows and put a happy spring in my slippered steps.  "Dinner," as we like to call them in the Mosiman household, usually consist of a hearty  vitamin & mineral fortified meal of sugar-coated cereal.  The Christmas-time arrival of a panini-maker rocked our world...I direct the deli to thick-cut my mozzarella at a setting of fifteen and will petulantly sulk if my request is ignored.  But last night, I wearily watched as Brad had Savannah set several containers of frozen fish to thaw in the sink.  The implications of this seemingly small event most have seeped into my subconscious throughout the night because I woke with a song in my heart and a hankering for fried fish sweeping through my soul (overly-obvious pun...sorry).  But for some reason, I skipped right over the main event to tomorrow's tupperware-encased  twelve o'clock tidbits!  So here I sit, having just enjoyed an incredible meal of Brad's fried fish, fried potatoes with onions, fried zucchini, and corn slathered in butter  (We haven't figured out how to successfully fry corn, corndogs don't count...they're not nutritiously relevant).  My tupperware container is jam-packed full of yumminess and I anticipate that tomorrow I will awaken with gladness, anticipating the day before me.  I can't wait!  TGI (almost)F!

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