Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My McDonald's Miracle

I had a spiritual revelation today beneath the Golden Arches.  Savannah and I ran into town to run a few errands and stopped for a quick grab-and-go meal at McDonald's.  I ordered with a conscientious attentiveness in regards to the nutritional content of my selections.  For example, to ensure dairy representation, I had pre-purchased a Nestle strawberry milk from Tops to accompany my tasty meal.  Just in case though, I upgraded my entree choice to a cheeseburger.  After an agonizing moment, I settled for a small fry to compensate for my double hot fudge sundae dessert.  Having been burned in the past regarding this particular area, I have perfected my ordering strategy to ensure the ideal ice cream composition.  Savannah stands far enough away from me so to appear as though she's never met me before yet close enough to hear every word.  "I would like a delicious double hot fudge sundae," I announce happily, "with the fudge on the bottom as well as the top."  As I verbally describe my dream dessert, I take my left hand and hold it palm flat out and use my right hand as a cupped umbrella over the top.  Then I pantomime an enthusiastic vertical accordion concert.  "That'll be $4.38, please."  I dug in my pockets and pulled out four singles before fishing for some change.  In my hand was a quarter, a dime and three pennies.  Excitedly, I turned to the "stranger" next to me and showed her.  "Savannah, look!  God must have wanted me to order a double hot fudge sundae!"  While my daughter rolled her eyes, I shared this monetary miracle with the counter girl.  "I think maybe it's because I showed some restraint by ordering the small french fries. Jesus must be really pleased with my order."  I could tell that this experience was a true inspiration for her as I watched how she was super-generous with my hot fudge portion.  My fellow fast-food consumers stared in awe as I shared my delight in this sign from God.  My order was processed extra-ordinarily fast and Savannah and I were soon on our way.  "What an amazing experience," I gushed as Savannah put her little blue Accent in gear.  I was lifting my strawberry milk up to my lips, relishing this perfect moment sent by God when another car unexpectedly pulled in front of Savannah causing her to downshift with a jerk.  Consequently, I was bathed in strawberry milk.  What does this mean, I wondered as Savannah laughed hysterically.  I considered the plight of our Old Testament friend, Job who was initially so blessed by God and then, appeared to be cursed.  Job's love for the Lord was not contingent on the gifts that God provided.  Yeah, it was awesome that I was rewarded with the gift of perfect change AND an extra amount of fudge-y goodness.  God is good.  But I'm certainly not going to turn my back on my Creator because of my unexpected milk baptism.  As I mopped milk from my nose and neck, I took time to digest what I'd just learned.  Rejoice in the good...celebrate each special moment.  When you hit the occasional bump in the road, turn toward...not away from God.  I also recognize that it may be altogether possible that my strawberry milk shower was God's gift to Savannah.  If so, she certainly enjoyed it.


  1. I'm glad to hear your "double hot fudge sundae" hand gesture made an appearance...I'm almost positive that I've never heard you say those words without it.

    1. I hope that's the only hand gesture I make of which you are actively familiar!

  2. You always have words of wisdom, even if it's your own warped mind sense of wisdom.

  3. Were I offered the choice presented to Solomon, I wish that I had the presence of mind to request wisdom but pragmatically-speaking, I have to face the fact that I would ask that, for each time I consumed chocolate or took a sip of Pepsi, I would lose weight
