A regimented schedule is imperative to survival and sanity. Students believe that they have hung up their thinking caps so the first order of business each day is convincing them that the purpose of school hasn't changed just because the windows are open. Hours and hours of planning go into developing lessons that fool them into thinking that learning is fun. "Hey! Is this math?" exclaimed one sixth grader, feeling betrayed that his adorable 3-D g'raph-a-mal, was actually a way to discuss area and perimeter. He forgave me when I let them talk me into holding an impromptu g'raph-a-mal race.
Smarter...not harder. Huh. We spent several hours plugging a year's worth of endearing photos into the end-of-year slideshow. "Let's add funny captions," one genius among us suggested (It may have been me). "We need music too," Another misguided fool added (Was that me, too?). "What about animation?" (Shut up, would ya?). I decided that, for my end-of-year gift for the kids, I would make them a memory book. They'd write a letter to me, describing our year together and I would respond. Fifteen uniquely meaningful messages accompanied by pictures and, of course, the perfect clipart. As you can imagine, that took no time at all.
Work smarter, not harder. It's a stupid saying anyway. I need a saying that better reflects my interests and my drive. I quote my friend and colleague, Kelly, often. In response to my complaints about my weight, she (kind of) encouraged me by saying, "Would you rather be fat and happy or thin and miserable?" It was a moment of clarity. I wanted to be happy! I immediately embroidered her saying into a pillow and hit the vending machines. Let me be clear here, I'm not saying I want to work "stupider." I'm just saying that I'm not willing to replace my g'raph-a-mal races with worksheets. I'm not at the point of perpetual kickball games yet. I want the final week of school to be memorably meaningful and I'm willing to work hard too make it happen.
I don't remember any of my teachers doing so much so we could have fun in school. Hopefully they appreciate a little of the teachers hard work.
ReplyDeleteThis coming from the woman who made the yummiest peanut butter balls in the world for my 6th graders!