Monday, February 29, 2016

The best home fries in town

I LOVE to go out to eat (which is synonymous with I HATE to cook) but I only have a few favorite restaurants. Small diners and eateries can be tricky. Do you know what I mean? Some of them can be click-ish. You feel like an outsider the minute you walk in the door. But not Laurie's Restaurant in Warsaw.

My family specifically goes on Sundays in hopes that my friend Naomi is working. When Naomi is there, it's not like we're at a restaurant at all but like we've just popped in at her house. Coffee and orange juice appears without our even asking (water for Savannah) and Naomi waits patiently for us to deliberate the generous menu selections even though she knows we'll all end up ordering the same thing as last week.

Laurie's is a popular place to eat and we weren't surprised to see it bustling Sunday morning. We gratefully took a island in the middle row that serves as a raceway for waitresses running orders to hungry customers. When a booth suddenly became available, Naomi materialized and herded us to it like a mother hen. "You'll be more comfortable there," she said before dashing off to orchestrate the arrival of a battalion of breakfast deliveries.

I love love love Laurie's home fries. Whenever I order home fries ANYWHERE else, I will inevitably sigh with profound disappointment and say, "They're not like Laurie's." And Naomi knows I love them extra crispy. When she brought our order to the table last Sunday, she hesitated as she handed me my plate. "Do you want these crisped up some more," she asked, frowning at my potatoes. I felt three pairs of eyes glaring at me...demanding that I accept my order with demure graciousness. But she ASKED. "That would be great," I smiled at my kind and understanding friend before facing the wrath of my mean and unaccommodating family.  " are so rude," Sydney hissed while Savannah proclaimed that I was a complete embarrassment to the good Mosiman name. Can you imagine? embarrassment?

My home fries were back in a flash, accompanied by a bottle of Red Hot. They were perfect. Crunchy and salty on the outside with soft, warm potato-y goodness on the inside. My favorite potatoes at my favorite place. "Bye Naomi," we yell as we head to the door. She grins and waves as we leave. My favorite potatoes at my favorite place WITH one of my favorite people.


  1. We concur, Naomi is one of the best waitresses you could ask for, awesome at her job and always a smile!The Maguires of Warsaw

  2. Hello Maguires! I'm so glad that there are others out there willing to vocalize their appreciation for Naomi...she is such an incredible person!

  3. That's Naomi for you. Been friends with her since I could walk, girl never stops smiling!
