Monday, February 1, 2016

Wonder Twins Activate...Wait! Is that X-rated?
There is no part of this story that is going to make me look good so why on earth am I sharing it?

So...Thursday, to reward the cherubs for not swearing profusely during my observation and actually pretending to pay attention and learn, I hosted a rare "Lunch in Room 24 with Mrs. Mosiman" which I have yet to figure out why they view this as even remotely pleasurable because I mostly just make them sit in the dark quietly and stare at the Smartboard while they eat.  The main rule during "Lunch in Room 24 with Mrs. Mosiman" is to NOT talk to Mrs. Mosiman. At all. 

But anyway...there they were and, to occupy their time and to keep them from interacting with me...I went Old School and put on an episode of "The Wonder Twins." The children were entranced but the tone of silence suddenly shifted when...

The twins were playing ping pong when the Justice League alerted them. Jayna placed her paddle and ping pong ball on a shelf before turning to her brother to say, "Well, Zan...we're really going to have to go balls to the wall on this one." No one in Room 24 moved an inch although I realized that I was the central target of everyone's peripheral vision. I nonchalantly continued eating my Snickers bar, seeming lost in the wonder of the Wonder Twins and the atmosphere of my classroom returned to its semi-normal state.

"Can you believe that a children's cartoon from the 80s would use that phrase," I stormed to my husband over the phone the following day after he had called to wish me "good morning," having worked all night. He sighed (He does that a lot when he talks to me). "Why do women in their 40s and 50s immediately jump to the most profane conclusion?" he asked, unable to see me turning red with rage through his cell phone. I cut our conversation short as I was driving to work. As luck would have it, we passed one another. Brad waved enthusiastically to me. Let's just say that I kind of waved back.

My friend, Geri, nodded sagely as I fumed over this conversation. "You're not mad about the origination of the phrase," she explained, "You're mad that, instead of lumping you in the 30 to 40 year-old-category, he rounded up."  "Technically-speaking," she added, "he should have put you in the same category as twelve-year-old boys." As I was now officially done talking to Geri as well, I wandered the halls in search of a compassionate and sympathetic ear. Instead, I found my friend Tyler who just laughed. "As a coach," he admitted, "I'm not going to use that term, but I don't think it means what you think it means." I had already researched the phrase back to its early days of steam locomotion before its adoption by fighter pilots. Synonymous with "full-throttle," I now know more than I ever wanted to about "balls to the wall." Fascinated though we were by my dissertation, deconstructing this colorful phrase, Tyler and I agreed that including "balls to the wall" in our idiom lessons would probably not be appropriate. Imagine the illustrations! Who knew that the Wonder Twins main super-power was to activate discussions on what could be deemed as dirty language?

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