Monday, March 7, 2016

Jamie and the Giant Chocolate Marshmallow Bunny

It is a delight when former students become present friends. It was nearing Easter which meant, of course, that I was on my annual mad hunt for Russell Stover Chocolate Marshmallow Bunnies. In case you didn't know...I heart Russell Stover  Chocolate Marshmallow Bunnies. This bunny hunt would take me on a three-county systematic store search where I would scour every shelf, interview every employee and request corporate headquarter's direct contact line to gently demand an immediate order placement.

I recently walked into a local store when...

"Mrs. Mosiman!"


We threw ourselves in each other's arms. "You look beautiful!" my former 6th grader exclaimed. I smiled. It had taken months of training to get her to do that. We caught up on our lives and reminisced a bit. "Remember when you kicked me out of class," she giggled. "Yes, I do," I answered. "And I remember you skipping down the hall while I yelled after you that I was calling your mother as well." She sighed happily. "Good times, Mrs. Mosiman...good times." I considered showing her the surgical scar from my ulcer surgery which we lovingly had named "Jamie" but was distracted when she asked if she could help me with anything. I described, in detail, my target item and she expertly led me to the Easter candy aisle. Jelly beans, Peeps, chocolate eggs...but no Russell Stover Chocolate Marshmallow Bunny.

"They might still come in," she offered hopefully, "I could call you." I brightened. Finally...I had access to an inside job! Jamie sat through a 45-minute powerpoint presentation detailing the differences, subtle though they might be, between a Russell Stover Chocolate Marshmallow Bunny in the BLUE foil wrapper and the Russell Stover Chocolate Chocolate Marshmallow Bunny in the PINK wrapper. "Don't be fooled," I warned a wide-eyed Jamie who was taking furtive notes. She nodded, determined. We hugged good-bye and parted, lifelong pals.

Weeks went by, with no word. Had Jamie forgotten me? Did she no longer care? Was she secretly harboring a grudge for being sent to the principal's office for being a goof-ball in class?

And then...a coded message that only the most intelligent of encryptor's could have unraveled. "They're here."

"They're here" and I was there. Thank you, Jamie!

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