Friday, August 11, 2017

Veggie omelet of the Apocalypse

Brad Mosiman discovered, long ago, that when it came to the salvation of his family, no cost was too high. When he realized that the amount of complaining about attending church diminished exponentially when that activity was accompanied by a breakfast out, he made it his life's mission to first fill us with eggs, toast, and orange juice so that later, we would be better filled with the love of Christ, compassion for our fellow man, and the Holy Spirit. Who knew that that was what the "C" in our packed-with-Vitamin-C orange juice really meant!?!

Getting a handle on our new breakfast place has been tough (We miss you Laurie's). "Sweet potato pancakes?" I frowned, perusing the menu, "Well, my friend Deb would like those." I wasn't sure that a place that served sweet potato pancakes was fit to feed me spiritually. My younger daughter suffered no such qualms. Sydney jumped on board the single serve chocolate chip pancake and never looked back. Our waitresses, Jenn and Makayla, did what they could to make this traumatic transition easier for me and I was soon placated with a plate of crispy hash browns. Jenn innately sensed that Brad would want his medium egg placed precisely on top of his pancake order so he settled in easily to his new breakfast home. Savannah, however, was in for a bit of a surprise. As were we all.

Deciding to play it safe on her first visit, Savannah ordered the veggie omelet. We sat in stunned silence when it was delivered with a Chinese baby corn erupting majestically from the middle. What defines a vegetable must first ask one's self. Tomatoes. Peppers. Green, for sure. Red if you're feeling whimsical and risky. Onion. Seasoned wait staff should warn customers if mushrooms are present since they don't technically fit the vegetable criteria. But Chinese baby corn?!? What?!? That's just INSANE! Are we on an episode of Bizarre Foods? Further tentative investigation revealed that the Chinese baby corn was just the tip of Savannah's omelette iceberg. Carrots? That's crazy! Broccoli? Bizarre! Asparagus? Is the Apocalypse at hand? 

It's not always easy trying new things. Sometimes it's scary. Not every item on the menu may be to your pleasing but you don't storm out of a restaurant just because your omelet has been pierced with a Chinese baby corn spear. Savannah wasn't deterred by this experience. Upon her next visit, she gamely ordered the apple fritter french toast and declared it "splendid." And it was...a splendid metaphor for life. You are not ever going to like EVERYTHING on the menu but, if you stick it out, you'll be sure to find something you enjoy. Or at least can choke down.   

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