Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Gorillas in the Mist (aka Kittens in the Garage)


Mosiman garage
August 2013

The family pet alerted us to a disruption in the habitat. A scout confirmed the presence of an unsolicited feline, perched among the rafters. Once the dogs were removed from the area, we were able to chase her out. As silence descended again upon the seemingly empty garage, a strange scratching noise indicated that all was not well. A thorough investigation unearthed four newborn kittens.

Mosiman garage
August 2013

A committee meeting determined that, for their safety, the infants must be transferred to a new location. To keep the entire feline family intact, Plan A was implemented:

PLAN A:  Brad and I hid behind the shed with an unhindered view of our open garage, awaiting the arrival of the mother cat with the intention of closing her into the structure with her kittens. After a twenty minute wait, the mother cautiously arrived as we sat, frozen, nearby. We sprang into action as she darted into the garage but we did not anticipate her speed as she erupted, seconds later, with a kitten clutched in her protective mouth. Scratch Plan A.

Mosiman garage
August 2013

The committee reconvened to strategize the least traumatic plan (for them and us) to unite and safely relocate the cat family to a more amicable habitat.

Blurred photo of Mama Kitty on the run
PLAN B: A variation of Plan A only making the kittens a tad more difficult for the mother to
access, thus giving us the time advantage to shut her securely in the garage with the three remaining babies. "But what about the one that's out there somewhere," I asked with great concern. Tired of this entire situation but determined not to have his garage smell of cat urine, Brad rolled his eyes. "The mother knows where she put it," he said, as though talking to a three-year-old. I stomped my feet and pouted. "I don't think we should move the family unless they are altogether."

Scratch Plan B.

FIELD NOTES: Hour One and a half
Mosiman garage
August 2013

When the committee members decided to talk to one another again, Plan C was constructed. Despite the complexity of the plan, we felt confident that we would be able to successfully implement it. 

PLAN C:  We again were situated in a low visibility area behind the shed, awaiting the arrival of the mother cat. Over the course of several hours (forgive the lack of time accuracy...I got bored and went in the house to watch tv), the adult female cat returned to the garage on three separate occasions to remove the remaining kittens and carried them away to an undisclosed location.

FIELD NOTES: The next day
Mosiman living room
August 2013


"Do field notes have epilogues," Brad asked dubiously, like he know everything about everything. "When did you veer from Dian Fossey to George Lucas?" Not sure whether to be annoyed or complimented, I decided to ignore my husband, a clever ruse that often sends him into a tailspin. Dazed and confused, he headed to the refrigerator. Glancing at the computer on the way back, he said, "Dazed and confused? I just wanted a Snapple." He popped the cap. "Hey," he said, reading the Snapple fact, "porcupines can float."

Epilogue Part II:

The family pet cannot be consoled. Haunted, day and night, she lurks around the garage door. We have allowed her full access to demonstrate vacancy but the smell drives her insane. A committee meeting has been scheduled to construct a plan to distract the dog. Hypnosis, acupuncture, and day rehab are on the agenda.


  1. Glad mama cat and kittens are safe, hopefully. I really want video of you and Brad watching and lurking then springing into action to corral mama!

  2. Poor Chloe. Maybe she was just excited about the prospect of new pets that are fun-sized like her? Also, thanks to Brad for teaching me a new fact about porcupines.

  3. Amanda...remind me to tell you the devastating exploits of last summer's kitten encounter that did not have such a happy ending...I cannot believe that that story didn't come out during one of our thousand lunches.
