Wednesday, July 6, 2016

It's all part of living in the country

It's all part of living in the country.

Fresh air. Sometimes NOT-so-fresh air. The hum of tractors. The lazy drone of insects. Waving fields. The flash of lightning bugs. The sudden appearance of a 1200 pound roll of hay in the middle of your road.

It's all part of living in the country.

FLASHBACK:  20 years ago.

"Honey, are you aware that there is a cow on our garage?" read that right. Not IN. ON.

It's all part of living in the country.

I've heard, in the cities, residents worry about getting robbed of their wallets. In the country, we have to guard our rhubarb.

It's all part of living in the country.

So what is one to do when a 1200 pound roll of hay appears in the middle of your road? we no longer have a guinea pig, there wasn't much point in keeping it. We handled it as though it were a baby animal we'd encountered in the woods...admire it...take a few pictures...and trust that whoever loves it is nearby and will come back to retrieve it once we've left.

And sure enough, a tractor cautiously made its way up to the lonely "little" hill of hay. Holding our breath, we watched, hidden behind our living room curtains, as it coaxed its lost load onto the lift and carried it off to safety. Relieved, we returned to our normally scheduled routine...realizing that

It's all part of living in the country.

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