Monday, April 3, 2017

Who's the fool now?

We may have a new invention. The roll-on cream cheese
 makes spreading on a bagel MUCH more convenient.
I spend MONTHS in preparation of April Fool's Day. Which should offer you a bit of insight regarding my character as Savannah just received her Christmas present in March. Sigh.

Not to brag...but I've pretty well rocked past years' pranks. The nail-polish laminated bar of soap. The Kool-Aid pitcher filled with Jell-o. What on earth would I do to surpass such silliness? And then I stumbled upon cream cheese deodorant. Perfect.

Sydney and I waited for Brad to go to bed on April Fool's Eve (How could he possibly sleep...knowing that there is a diabolical plot being hatched that targets him, I wondered.) and, like slightly-warped Shoemaker's Elves, we set to work-carving and sculpting.

Thanks to "The Big Bang Theory," my family has taken to calling me "Mee-Maw" to annoy me. Even worse, if I do something stupid (which followers of this blog will immediately realize is on a moment-to-moment basis), they dub the incident "A Classic Mee-Maw." Carefully sliding the prank deodorant into the medicine cabinet, I whispered to my daughter in the darkness, "From this day forward, THIS shall be known as a Classic Mee-Maw!"

AFTER it had been spread on me. Prior to this,
 it was a sculpted MASTERPIECE.
I could barely sleep from the excitement and, as dawn arrived, I was a bundle of nerves. While Brad
was in the shower, I retrieved a pair of men's undergarments from his drawer and set them on the vanity to throw him off as I rarely do anything that's of a thoughtful nature for him. I had seen, and then discarded, an idea to sew up the fly as a prank. I don't sew and staples seemed cruel. As he stepped from the shower, I hovered nearby with a baby wipe in my hand, looking as though I were about to wipe out the sink. He opened the medicine cabinet and reached in. Time froze. Brad pulled out the deodorant, grinned and asked, "Is it butter or cream cheese?" before yanking off the lid and smearing ME with it. Turns out while I was spending MONTHS in April Fool's Day preparation, Brad was busy conducting his own counter-intelligence research designed to thwart me. Further salt to the wound was when my own daughter betrayed me by telling Brad about my "Remember the Alamo" fighting cry. I will forever be tormented by the words Classic Mee-Maw. I didn't even have a back-up plan. I had considered replacing Brad's dinner-time tater-tots with cauliflower-tots but that seemed more like a crime against humanity. Pretty sure that would be grounds for a divorce.

The evening ended on an up-note however, when Brad tip-toed into the room holding up Sydney's deodorant. "Is there any more cream cheese?" he whispered. We awoke this morning to her betrayed bellow. "MEE-MAW!"

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