Tuesday, July 27, 2021

This was NOT the stairway to heaven...

Once upon a time, three little Christian girls (accompanied by a small dog, who, at this point, had not yet declared a faith-based affiliation) decided to embark on a pilgrimage, seeking enlightenment regarding the historic lore of their surroundings. During the course of this odyssey ("Did anyone bring any snacks?" Amy asked hopefully), the adventurers spotted a mysterious building, squat in stature, with a battlement-like roof. Stairs curled invitingly to the crown of this little castle. In the time-honored tradition of Eve reaching for the fruit or Snow White stupidly accepting the apple from a questionable stranger ("Did we pack apples?" Amy inquired as they climbed the steps. "You don't like apples," Savannah pointed out. "Beggars can't be choosers,"  Amy shrugged.), the little band of travelers summited but, instead of the anticipated euphoria that typically accompanies the culmination of adrenaline and accomplishment, they realized that they were in danger of inadvertent damnation. 

As usual, the dog was the most intuitive of the group, immediately shying to the side to avoid the chicken leg decorated with a single black feather situated in the center of a shady torn tarp. A spray-painted pentagram adorned one wall, an occult invitation that we hastily (but politely) declined. You know...because...All God's children. Of course we imagined the sudden chill in the air...the goose bumps...the accelerated heartbeats...the labored breathing...but we did NOT imagine the little dog, running to beat the devil, dashing down those stairs to escape whatever weirdness was going on on that warped little rooftop. This would mark the moment where Teddy the chi-weenie, pledged his love and loyalty...his fido-elity--to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

After we had celebrated our narrow escape from the underworld and rejoiced in the addition of another occupant in heaven's pearly-gated community, we high-tailed it out of there. "Can we go get a snack now?" Amy asked. "What are you feeling for?" Sydney said as we, with relief, drove away. "I don't know why," Amy answered, "but chicken nuggets are really calling to me."

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