Tuesday, July 16, 2024

See you in the funny papers! Our issue with Ziggy

The Mosimans are dog people. We could care less if strangers, colleagues, or even other family members dislike us but if we encounter a canine that refuses to wag our way, we are crushed; questioning the very core of our existence. 

Our senior statesman, little Ziggy, has ruled my mother-in-love's house for years, delighting Linda and Chuck with his boundless energy, devotion, loyalty and love. 

In his spry years, the Zig-ster, more or less, graciously endured our visits. Sure, we pulled some attention away from him but he knew that it was only temporary. Soon enough, he would resume his rightful position as the center of Linda and Chuck's universe.

But now, in his golden years, Ziggy refuses to take a back-seat to ANYONE. 

In fact, I swear the little dog repressed a chuckle as Brad and I were stuffed, unceremoniously, into the back of the PT Cruiser to speed off to the vet for a weight check, culminating in a trip to the drive-thru for a pup-cup.  Chuck drove to a scenic park so that Ziggy could enjoy his front seat view with his treat, leaving Brad and me sweltering and hungry behind him.

Linda's delicious four-and-five-course meals were marvelous but deceptively dog-friendly. I watched as my father-in-law deconstructed my left-over Hawaiian pizza. "You weren't going to eat this, were you?" he asked, preparing pizza bones with which to tempt little Ziggy, lodged comfortably on Linda's

lap who was over-seeing the operation. Brad and I watched as our lovely beef roast was ripped apart to make tiny dog-sized sliders for Ziggy. I gasped when Ziggy shot me a wink as Linda grabbed the last chicken leg to tempt his unpredictable appetite.  Ziggy nibbled a refreshing square of watermelon as a palate cleanser while I scanned the kitchen for a clump of grapes, certain the Chuck and Linda would soon be feeding him, Cleopatra-style.

Poor Ziggy. My and Brad's visit really put a crimp in his style. He had to put up with us on his daily rides in the car. Brad had the audacity to stretch out on the couch, dis-lodging one of Ziggy's many snuggle spots. Forget the "Washington Slept Here" signs peppering historic homes and taverns throughout the East, Linda should label Ziggy's territory to avoid canine confusion and resentment when boundaries are accidentally breached.

Ziggy was NOT sad to see us go. 

I have never seen a dog enjoy a ride to the airport as much as this one.

Like I said...the Mosimans love their dogs.

Linda and Chuck dote on their little friend...seeing to his every need and enjoying every moment with him. The geriatric years are challenging for everyone as health concerns creep up...vision clouds, hearing wanes, limbs lack confidence. Every precious moment is celebrated...treasured...and stored away. How grateful we are for Chuck and Linda's sweet little dog...when it comes to providing love and joy...Ziggy is definitely in the driver's seat.

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