Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Grey's Anatomy (Seasons 1-4) Addiction

Monday marked my first official day of "summer vacation."  The term "summer vacation," as it applies to teachers, is a misnomer anyway as most of my colleagues pick up additional employment or spend a great deal of time up-dating or creating lesson plans for the next school year. Very few are lying around, popping bon-bons, getting massages or riding the Man of Steel roller coaster fifty times.

So, there I was yesterday, reveling in my first day of freedom. What should I do to celebrate? After rummaging through my mostly bare cupboards, I scratched "bon-bons" off my list. And while a massage sounds delightful, I have deeply rooted fears of my body's involuntary reaction to complete relaxation. It's also the reason I avoid yoga and refried beans. And roller coasters.

I knew I was in need of additional employment by Monday afternoon during my Grey's Anatomy first season marathon on TV. Midway through the second hour, I was simultaneously immersed in Youtube clips of my favorite Grey's Anatomy moments. Elevator scenes. Best kisses. Alex scooping up Izzy after Denny's death. Dancing. Icicle stabbing. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't stop. My secret shame. Help wanted...here I come. Seriously.


  1. Alex scooping up Izzy...I remember that so well!

  2. Meggan, love Alex's multifaceted character...so easy to love him and hate him at the same time.
