Sunday, February 1, 2015

Young adults: When will they grow up?

The workings of the young adult mind are so interesting. It's such an egocentric time...the focus on selfish pleasures. The world rotates around fun and friends. It can be exasperating. Take my daughter, Savannah, for instance. Out of the blue, as my family bustled about to get ready for (to still arrive late) church, Savannah suddenly asked her father if we had home owner's insurance. "Well, yeah," he answered, befuddled by the question, "Why?" I paused in the middle of making the bed to listen to her explanation. "ADT offers home owner's insurance discounts," she said, and then, not understanding her father's baffled expression, went on to clarify. "ADT is a company that installs home security systems," she said to the man who installs security systems for a living. I paused to bury my face in a pillow to stifle a giggle. Savannah rallied on to press her point. "How much do you pay per year," she inquired, quickly calculating the speculative savings while I wrestled our current security system off the bed. The rottweiler thumped to the floor unhappily as Savannah concluded her presentation. See what I mean?  Such are the shallow, self-serving conversations of the young. When will she grow up and learn to live in the real world?

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