Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Getting connected (No, not sloshed) at the library

What is the first thing one should do when moving to a new area? Some would say to go to the post office to update your address. Others would advise a trip to the DMV to switch over your state license (but we know how successful that effort would be). But the Mosiman women know better. Even Savannah, with her predilection towards audio books, would agree that, without a doubt, the library is the place to go. Sydney and I visit libraries with reverent enthusiasm. Savannah, however, tends to guard her heart a bit more.

I squealed in delight when I first spotted the Bill Memorial Library during our initial tour of the area where Savannah would be living. "It's beautiful," I gushed, admiring the architecture. Savannah shrugged, "I like our library better," she said. Whoa! I stared at her, astonished. This wasn't the battle of the books! Of course the Cordelia A. Green library towered over every library in the land. It is the ruler upon which every other library is measured. But all libraries are special. Like a church. When you walk into one, you should always feel like you're coming home.

Despite her reticence, I dragged Savannah in so we could introduce ourselves. Naturally, I demanded a tour. "That sign says you have an autographed copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," I observed, "I would like to see it, please." A rolling cart was moved, a bottom shelf revealed the dusty remnants of what should have been one of the library's crowning features. I sighed, Apparently, I had work to do here. I immediately began making plans for an inverted bell jar topiary display with UV filtered accent lighting. Meanwhile, Savannah was making her own discovery. "Mom, check it out," she said, "they have a chest of Captain Morgan's." Not used to living next to a body of water bigger than a puddle, I'm having trouble adjusting to artifacts associated with maritime history. It took me a minute to realize she was referring to the raiding privateer and not the rum. However, that gave me an idea to bring back to Erin at the Cordelia A. Green library. I sighed, scrolling through my phone. "What's the matter," Savannah asked. "I don't have Erin's number," I answered, "I want to suggest installing a chest of Captain Morgan's at our library."

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