Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Jeanne's New Year's Haiku challenge

from "The Little Book of Haiku" which included
 a couple of racy poems as well!
Everyone seems intent on pushing New Year's Resolutions upon me. What's with that? I'll tell's jealousy, that's what. My friend Cathy has scheduled me for Friday night walks around the track. Brad bought some sort of exercise torture device to add to our current clothes holder so that we can work out together. "Won't that be fun," he asked enthusiastically. Insert crickets chirping here. Last year, my friend Jeanne posted that she would endeavor to journal a haiku poem per day for 365 days. Wow! Now that was a challenge I was willing to accept! Those of you with extensive haiku backgrounds already know that this form of poetry celebrates nature in a minimalist style. Turns out, I am unable to shut down "snarky," "sarcastic," "mocking," or "whining" so my poems didn't really follow the prescribed conventions. Here's a sampling of my poetic endeavor.

The majority of my haiku poems celebrated Chlo.
Sermon commentary...more observation than acquiescence 
A guest-blog as Savannah took up the pen in my stead

Chronicling Brad's life-long pursuit of keeping
his family from parking on his beloved grass...even in the winter.

Date night on Cinco de Mayo with a rather chipper waiter
and then home to be shocked by one of the most
jaw-dropping, heart-stopping "Game of Thrones" episodes EVER!

See! Juno made it in once in awhile!

School slipped in quite a bit, as well. An incessant song
that followed me home for days.

Syd's traumatic ride home from work.

A rare poignant moment as I realized that I
was hearing the voice of the man he was to become.

A haiku that actually followed the tradition of a haiku. Rare.
Chlo made for great figurative language opportunities!

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