Monday, January 9, 2017

Tunic Tuesday as Described in a Texting Conversation

Savannah's text message to Sarah:

Mom is currently not talking to me because I won't let her buy a "tunic" from the grocery store.

Sarah's reply:

Hold the line, Savannah! All soldiers struggle in a battle. This is an important victory to win.


She said I was ruining Tunic-Tuesday. And, if you saw a picture, you would want it too.


Please tell her that's not a thing. Alliteration is a bad fashion guide, Amy. While she is giving you the silent treatment, tell her that she owes me a book club email! I sent my reflections on chapters 1-4 on Thursday and haven't heard her thoughts back yet!

Sarah (again):

Wait. She wanted to buy clothes at a grocery store?!?!

Good heavens! Buying clothes in Warsaw in questionable anyway.  Tell her that she may not buy clothing in a grocery store ANYWHERE  (except maybe New York City).


I had to rip the tunic out of her hands and put it back. It was a close call.
Also there was a brown stripe on the tunic that matched her pants and that's why she was very excited about it.


*Sigh* That's a dramatic scene. You are a hero today.

There are lots of brown clothes in the world. Also, everything matches brown except black. It's not exactly hard to find something to match brown pants

Amy (stealing Savannah's phone):

I can't be in book-club until Tuesday when I have a reliable inter-web source. Amy out.


Oh dear lord. You guys have to move. It's 2017. People in 3rd world countries have better wifi than Wyoming County.

A day later...

Sarah's text message to Amy:

Are you glad now that you didn't buy the tunic? Sometimes time gives perspective.


 No...I am still upset. You never support me.


You didn't have a strong case for the brown tunic other than it matched your brown pants, which is hardly a fashion feat.


How about bragging rights that it came from a grocery store? Imagine THAT delightful conversation! Fashion plate, Traci admires my trend-setting top. "Oh this," I say demurely, "I got this while picking up sandwich pickles and Spaghetti-Os."

Sarah:  When you put it that way, it does sound totally reasonable. And EXACTLY how that would have played out.

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