Thursday, October 31, 2019

Meet the Flintstones: Happy Halloween!

 If someone were to ask Future Amy what she thought of today's Halloween plans, without a doubt, that wise woman would yell: "Yabba dabba don't do it!" What on earth was I thinking? Who stuffs an out-of-shape, short-of-breath gal with a history of claustrophobia into a latex head mask and then expects her to navigate the Bedrock-mobile through a parade, race against George Jetson on a hovercraft, and then participate in a flash mob? Wife, Wilma (my friend, Kelly) was trying to get me to do Lamaze breathing as we lapped the gym. Don't get me wrong...we each had our own cross to bear including wardrobe malfunctions...snapping on skull caps...aerosol well as the ever-present-danger of hydroplaning on a hover-board. George Jetson had spent the better part of a school year on a mobility scooter and bets were being placed that he'd soon be slapping a handicapped sticker on his windshield again.

Plans for this event had been in the works since LAST October 31st. Car construction duties were handed over to Kelly's creative and talented husband when I threatened to engineer the vehicle with wacky water noodles and cloth laundry baskets. Rachel refused to leave the classroom until her faux-fur stole arrived because she was worried about the appropriateness of her Betty Rubble-wardrobe. Rachel looked GREAT but, to be honest, it did look like Betty was ready to go "clubbing" later. We had to wrestle Kelly to the ground to apply her signature bright red hair. It took several of us to hold her down as she screamed and insisted that she could feel the dye seeping into her scalp. It's easier to give my dog a pill. Geri...homespun to the core...kept insisting that she'd make her own costume. We watched with interest over several days as she unraveled via a series of insane text messages until she finally "caved" and went with a store-bought model.

We'd wrangled the 3rd grade team (our arch-nemesis...wait...what's the plural?  Archnemeses? Archnemesi?) into portraying the futuristic-ally technological counterparts to our out-dated ways in an epic Jetsons versus Flintstones Halloween portrayal of old school versus new school.  And as cartoonish and silly as we might have been, the conclusion was still pretty clear:  Not only is there  room for both...Turns out they are both necessary components in providing quality education. It is not a battle but a ballet...or, in our case, a flash mob. And I couldn't ask for better dancing partners!

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