Saturday, September 10, 2016

A Saturday morning in September

In a Connecti-kitten land...far, far, away...there lived a Dunkin Donuts shop on every corner of every town. And in true Mosiman fashion, Savannah led her little band of weary, doughnut-hungry travelers to a bakery that had broken free of the oppressive chains of corporate cookie-cutting. But now I was frozen in a state of choice-paralysis. Gone were my familiar doughnut friends. But maybe I was about to meet my new doughnut bff. Would it be the sort-of sticky bun? But what were those strange nuts on top? Walnuts? Clumps of almonds? I don't know. There! A safe glazed doughnut. But what is this? Baked with raisins? How bold! How innovative! How frightening!

Clutching our selections, we then embarked on a doughnut picnic, parking our pastries in front of the Navy destroyer, USS Ramage. We enjoyed the sights and sounds of Savannah's busy little harbor during our breakfast bistro. Savannah happily consumed her chocolate doughnut. Brad was thrilled with his glazed raspberry-filled. I, unfortunately, came to the sad conclusion that raisins should be relegated only to bagels, toast, and bran cereal as well as your occasional oatmeal raisin cookie.

Devastated, I wandered off to walk the pier. "If ever there were a poster child for an attention problem, it would be you," Savannah observed as I paused to poke every puffball in our path before scouring the harbor waters for jellyfish. The emergence of a duck from the depths caused me to cry out in delight until the train whistle or ferry horn redirected my interest.

 The people of the pier were greatly entertained at the expense of one poor seaman who was loudly being chastised on the main deck. The sequel to that little drama was released almost immediately as we watched the Coast Guard bull dog unsuspecting boats who drifted too close to the Ramage.

An impromptu tour of Fort Trumbull followed and I could chalk up a well-spent Saturday morning! And to think...I could have been at home in Wyoming County on my couch, eating grocery store doughnuts!

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