Friday, December 11, 2015

Goodnight, Rottweiler

Step 1:  Alert your sleeping friends that you
are lonely and in need of some snuggle-time.
This involves adopting the verbalization skills of
a demented owl, tapping your bedtime buddy
 "lightly" with your paw, and jumping up and down on
your rear legs like an unbalanced kangaroo or a circus
 There may be a reason that the big dog doesn't get as much screen-time as the dachshund. Please note the illustrated depictions of what has become routine rottweiler bedtime behavior. It has become a cycle of madness.

Step 2:  Your gentle awakening tactics aren't
working. Time to execute Plan B:  The Bells.
Your friends were so excited when you
learned to ring them, communicating your
need to visit Nature's Relief Station.
Incessant ringing seems to be getting
their attention.

Step 3:  Excellent progress! After giving your butt
a boost, your friend is thrilled to share her
blankets with you!

Step 4:  Boy! It's hot under those covers! You
shake them enthusiastically loose, thoughtfully
uncovering your pal who must also be a bit
over-heated. You suddenly catch a glimpse of
something out the window and spring into
action. Bark! Bark! Barky-barky-bark-bark!
"Juno," your friend yells approvingly, "It's just
your reflection!" it is! All is safe and well...
so you plop on top of your friend, rendering
her cold and immobile for the next several hours.

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