Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Ruh Roh, Mrs. Mosiman!

 It's that time of year where, I'm ashamed to admit, I have trouble feeling grateful. Instead, I am feeling grumpy and rushed; quick to criticize rather than compliment. So it's also the time of year where I pull out my journal and begin my daily recording of "No Fewer Than Five Good Things." Until I get back into the swing of things, growing practiced in the art of looking for the good, my lists are pretty basic and usually center around food. This year, I dragged my 4th graders along for the ride and was immediately humbled. "My mom got a job," one nine-year-old wrote (The same day that I was expressing thanks for a particularly fresh Pepsi). "We might get our camper this week-end to live in while our house is being repaired from the fire," was another entry. I had eaten a candy cane-flavored marshmallow Peep that day. It was good.

Okay. Message received. I need to stop whining. I am surrounded by smiles and simple kindness.
Every day is a blessing. No...I am NOT being sarcastic. Today, for instance, a small miracle occurred. Due to a manufacturing error (also known as an act of God), TWO of my string cheeses were packaged in the SAME wrapper! I had paid for twelve and, instead, received the proverbial baker's dozen...dairy-style.

Sometimes you have to fight hard to find the good. One of my sweet cherubs lit right up at the sight of me today. Racing towards me, she exclaimed, "Mrs. Mosiman! You look like you could be from Scooby-Doo!" This was NOT the precise reaction I was going for when I carefully selected my purple shirt with hunter green pants combo. Robin Hood maybe. Scooby-Doo? No. I racked my brain, trying to figure out which character she was eluding too. I immediately eliminated Fred and Velma and then hoped against hope that she meant Daphne but since Daphne's style is more in the sleuth-schoolgirl-slut range, I attempted to cushion my pride and self-esteem, accepting that, in this child's eyes, I was Shaggy. We do share a love of food. And if there is even the REMOTEST chance that a monster or ghost is in the vicinity, my legs will immediately begin that windmilling running action in the opposite direction. "Thank you," I said, smiling at my little honey as I quickly deduced that, on the scale of compliment versus criticism, her comment was weighed by love.

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