Monday, April 1, 2019

Today's April Fool's Day Joke Left Brad Feeling CRESTfallen

If (IF) I had a fatal flaw, this might be it. I LIVE for playing April Fool's Day pranks on my husband. Sometimes I am successful. Sometimes I'm not. I hate having April Fool's jokes played on me. I am the worst sport so, fortunately for me, Brad enjoys simply trying to outwit my prank rather than retaliating. I devote months to research and spend hours testing the viability of each year's selection.

The white frosting in the toothpaste tube was simply elegant in design and implementation. The only possible blip on Brad's radar would be the sudden and mysterious disappearance of his customary gel paste in its only half-empty container. The Mosimans are renowned for folding a toothpaste tube to the millionth degree, cracking out a vice grip to ensure that we've squeezed the bleached-white blood from the proverbial packed-with-Fluoride stone. I was ready with a somewhat credible story (The Mosiman motto: Always have a lie in place). Brad:  Where's the toothpaste? Me:  I needed it for school. Brad (shrugging): Of course you do.  But shockingly, he never asked so I filed that handy little lie away for future use.

The other important component for a successful April Fool's Day prank is for me not to be ANY WHERE NEAR Brad as the trick is being executed as my eagerness apparently gives it away. My most successful caper was when Brad and I were on opposite coasts. So today, I planted myself in the dining room, awaiting the roar of the electric toothbrush. Scowling, Brad was quick to come around the corner to catch me dancing a merry, little jig. I don't need to drive a fancy car or live in a big, luxurious house to be satisfied. I don't need a million blog followers to be happy (Although I do appreciate ALL of you!). No, nothing brings me more joy than to have successfully pranked my husband!

Brad tries to act all holier-than-thou...that he simply endures the childish mindset of my annual antics because that's what a godly husband does. Inside, I know he's seething but instead, he rushes out to balance my naughty with nice, my teasing with tolerance, my prank with patience. Unfortunately though, when his right hand was buying me my favorite flavored water, his left hand was busy texting the family to let them all know how wonderful he is...ultimately invalidating the act in the process. I feel that I won TWICE today!

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