Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The true bird of peace

I'm sure that you're already aware that I have my fingers constantly monitoring the pulse of current events.  Today, for instance, I was among the first to be appalled when Beyonce's bounce was interrupted as she bent over to greet fans stage-side during last night's concert.  Oh no he di'nt!  She promptly had him booted from the venue (For those of you who may miss my subtle pun-play...please note the clever use of the word "boot" slyly referencing  Beyonce's famous posterior feature).

Savannah keeps me appraised of what's going on in the world as well.  She recently described the atrocious conditions in Syria and that they are experiencing an embargo limiting arms and various other supplies.  Apparently, the news depicted the inevitable ingenuity of the human spirit as desperate dieters tunneled out and successfully retrieved...fresh Maine lobster? No. Ears of Iowa corn? No. Vermont Maple Syrup? No.  No...what the Syrian people really want, aside from a stable government and peace, is KFC.

This is a cause I can get behind. I personally took the Hostess bankruptcy very hard. I understand food cravings. When I learned of the incredible measures and risks that the Syrian people were willing to undertake to achieve this simplest of human desires...well, I had to reach out as a culinary comrade.

My journey actually began this morning when my husband and I began stage one of our "We've just returned from a family vacation" blow-up to re-establish marital harmony.  I stormed angrily out of the house in response to Brad's ridiculous assertion that I actually "parent" my children.  I fancy myself a bit of a mediator rather than a director, or, in Brad's case, dictator so his presumption was rather presumptuous.  Fortunately, he came to his senses when I returned home and set about implementing stage two of our process, code-word: feeding the beast, by taking me grocery shopping without questioning every single blessed purchase. Does baby want some chocolate mousse? Throw it in the cart. Does baby want a cannoli? Toss it in! Pecan sticky buns? Why even ask? Make room! As we headed to the van, I realized we were about to enter phase three where, in exchange for Brad’s peace offering, I would, in turn, admit a certain percentage of accountability.  Busy as I was, brainstorming my gracious speech, I almost didn't notice when Brad pulled into the KFC parking lot.  I was handed cash without an accompanying economic dissertation.  I bought enough chicken to feed a small Syrian nation.  Our family is old-school…original recipe, all the way.

The Mosiman peace talks came to a satisfying conclusion over a bucket of the colonel’s secret recipe  ("Satisfying?" Brad asked dryly, "I'm still waiting for your so-called gracious speech.").  Customarily, the dove is viewed as a bird of peace but ultimately it’s about feeding basic needs.  Smugglers are rewarded enough to put their very lives on the line to tunnel into Syria to bring its stricken people a KFC 12-piece meal deal.  It seems so simple.  Put down the weapons, pick up your forks and salute the true bird of peace:  the chicken.