Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A short blog for those of you who think my blogs are too long...what is wrong with you people? Do you have the attention span of moths?

One of my favorite people in the whole wide world is Sam Ratigan. Born two days before Savannah, she showed up this evening at our house, uninvited and enthusiastically welcomed, to share in Savannah's celebratory crème brûlée. Sam Ratigan arriving at your door is the equivalent to the Prize Patrol pulling up minus the balloons and giant check. The balloons and giant check are implied

After pretending to be interested in her life for several minutes, I eagerly asked her if she'd read any of my latest blogs. Knowing I would quiz her, she sheepishly admitted that the last blog post she's read was the one about HER. "That was four months ago," I cried, wounded by her lack of loyalty. "But they're so-oo long," she whined. "You could at least be a follower," I said, relenting a little, "You wouldn't actually have to read the blogs...just actively pretend to read them." She perked up a little. "How do you become a follower," she asked, relieved that she wasn't going to have to make a literacy commitment. I brought up the blog to show her the variety of buttons to push until you eventually stumble on the correct one. She squinted at my impressive list of current followers. "Are you your own follower," she inquired judgmentally. "Well...yeah," I admitted, "it was kindof an accident but then it ended up rocketing me up to a grand total of five followers." "Five? You only have FIVE followers? That is so sad," Sam exclaimed while I wondered who had invited her over. Oh wait...no one! Sam looked at my list of loyal followers, "Isn't your mom, at least, a follower?" I sighed, "No...she isn't all that big on the technology-front. She thinks I'm clogging." I was about done with this visit. My self-esteem had plummeting to an all-time low ("Lower than five followers," asked the birthday girl with a giggle). Sam finally left, making empty promises to immediately become a follower and to begin posting my (unread, apparently) posts to her Facebook. In return, I have just written her the shortest blog that I am capable of composing.


  1. You must remember that she is young and probably has better things to do with her time. The funny part was she thought your mother should be a follower. You would be banned from your family for sure. I would have thought by now you would have more than 5 followers!

    1. Is it possible that I'm an acquired taste...like stale yellow marshmallow peeps?

  2. Replies
    1. Do you mean "second," "third," fourth," or "fifth" that? I am heartened that my "fan"-base of five is so encouraging in my moment of insecurity...are my blog posts too long...too boring...too intellectual (let's pause a moment and then erupt into hysterical laughter)?

  3. They aren't too long. I haven't read one that was so boring that I didn't feel like finishing. But then again, I like to read. Woohoo I made the list, even though it's a short list of followers!

    1. I think it's funny that this is a list that you actually admit to being on. I'm honored.

  4. It makes me feel like I'm a part of something. Why not admit it? I love your blogs! :)

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