Sunday, September 22, 2013

I did not have a "soup"-er day today

I am not a patient or particularly mature person. And I HATE peeling potatoes. So when I spend a large quantity of time, laboriously chopping five pounds of potatoes along with celery, scallions, and carrots in order to construct a sub-par, bland, translucently-thin potato soup, by golly, my family should be performing backflips before lifting me up above their heads and parading me around the house. But instead of erecting a soup-making monument in my honor, certain members of my family attacked my efforts.

In a sadly pro-active maneuver to adjust my current weekly meal plan (Monday-cereal, Tuesday-cereal, Wednesday-left-overs, Thursday-toast because we ran out of milk, Friday-mooch off friends) by brainstorming a list of recipes that could be stretched over a series of days. Hence, today I found myself (actually I'm still searching for myself...who am I? What am I all about?) frantically multi-tasking in the most-despised room (after the creepy basement) in my house:  the kitchen. By the end of a grueling two and a half hour stretch, I had put together a lackluster potato soup, chocolate pudding, and the mildly-controversial  hot dog soup in recognition of Savannah's birthday week. What was Mr. Brainstorm doing during my culinary campaign, you ask? Well, while I was selflessly slaving away over the stove, Brad was lazily repairing a light switch (how hard could THAT be?) and putting additional insulation in the attic so that he would be warm this winter.

Savannah conveniently arrived home after all the work was done. She squinted into the steaming pot of soup and said, "We're having that for dinner?"  I stared at her in disbelief before looking around the kitchen for the source of her confusion. Nope. I didn't see a platter of prime rib on the counter. Sydney came skipping in as I was about to stir some cheddar cheese into my concoction while Savannah grumbled about how much she hates cheese. Sydney, fresh from a shift at Charcoal Corral, eyed the watery brew and then asked if I had any cream. "What do you want cream for, " I asked. "At the Corral, they use it to thicken their soup base," she replied haughtily. This...coming from the girl who pours chocolate syrup on microwave popcorn. As we settled in for supper, Sydney bravely took a bite of my soup before returning to the kitchen. Fascinated, her father followed her, providing me with a running commentary of the action. "How many spoonfuls of flour are you going to put in there," he asked while I sat, steaming in my chair. Upon her return, I glared at my daughter before snarling, "I am going to watch you eat every bite of that bowl." To her credit, she pretended to enjoy each flour-filled spoonful. See? This is why I keep my menu-planning unpretentiously simple. we come.


  1. Do you ever get a recipe book out, or look up a recipe on the computer before you attempt to make a meal? Try it sometime,it may improve the warm fuzzy family comments.

    1. Why do you always attack me rather than targeting Sydney's rude behavior? And you know as well as I, that any day that I put ANY effort into making a meal is a rare and marvelous thing! You'd think people would be more grateful.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you...I appreciate the positive comment coming from someone with such a rich culinary heritage. Oh wait. Were you talking about my creative cooking or the fact that I make fun of it marginally well? Now I'm going to obsess for days trying to unravel this riddle. Either way though, I am ALWAYS glad to hear from you, Rebekah and I LOVE seeing pictures of your beautiful, beautiful baby!

  3. Amy, your soup sounded "wonderful". If only I was just down the road........

  4. Hi Neighbor! (Doesn't matter if you're down the road or across the country, you'll ALWAYS be my neighbor...whoops, I just morphed into Mr. Rogers/Eddie Murphy-SNL..."Won't you neigh-bor?")) Miss you Tracy...that was quite the birthday gift you got your guy!

  5. I'm reading your blog instead of writing the lesson plan for my observation. I wonder if the quality of "hot dog soup" would be improved by adding flour. We should ask Syd to be your student-teacher-chef. :)

    1. I am so humbled that you are using my little blog as inspiration for your observation lesson. As for your culinary observation...perhaps I'll begin taking cooking tips from you when you stop using sauce from a jar!

  6. It worked!!!! I can comment on your blog now! Look out world...

  7. It worked!!!! I can comment on your blog now! Look out world...
