Thursday, September 19, 2013

It was a super moon

I entitled it: A Picture Without Chlo

Knowing what a big fan of nature I am, Savannah persistently and enthusiastically coaxed me outside this morning at an unreasonable 6:50 am to view the Super Moon. At the time, I was spending some quality time with my TV-best-friend, HLN host, Robin Meade while slowly snarfing down 180 calories worth of Kellogg's Corn Pops. "Mom, come out," Savannah yelled from the dining room. I applied all my concentrated powers of ignoring as I admired Robin's outfit until Savannah's grating voice eeked its way across the blackboard of my subconscious. "Shut up," I shrieked, hoping that she would translate my small fit of temper to mean, "Love you, honey. Have a successful day at school." Undaunted by my ferociousness, Savannah tugged at the blanket that was securely cocooning me. Justifiably provoked, I lunged at her. She sprang deftly away and the chase was on with our front sidewalk as the finish-line. I stopped short at the sight of the Super Moon.

I paused to take in the morning (and catch my failing breath). I savored this precious time with my daughter as we could just make out a small deer family in the distance. I thought of my friend, Cassie, who habitually shares beautiful landscape shots on The Facebook and, inspired, retrieved my camera from the house. My initial picture of Savannah was too conflicting with multiple subjects vying for top billing. I was pleased with this photograph as the deer had paused in their travels to live in the moment and admire me as I stood on my sidewalk in my fuzzy red robe and slippers.  I turned my back on this winding road as the moon scraped the surface of the horizon soon to disappear from view. It was time to face the day.


  1. Nice picture!!! Cassie will be jealous!!!!

  2. It's a great picture! I'm only jealous that I cannot get such a great picture of the moon!
